Glamour + Gluttony Going Global

EXCITING NEWS ALERT! James and I have only gone and booked a one way ticket to Tokyo to start a wonderful worldwide adventure. We travelled around Europe a few years ago and we were completely unprepared and still a little young but nonetheless it was a fabulous experience so we’re going for more. 

The plan is to work our way across Southern Japan and then hop on over to Hong Kong and then on to Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Bali, Philippines and finally to Australia and New Zealand. This plan is super flexible right now and we have nothing set in concrete - we’re just going to see where this new path leads us. 

Adventures await and with that so do new cuisines and culinary delights and probably disasters. I love food and I’m happy to tuck into nearly anything with a few exceptions (chicken feet and guinea pigs I’m looking at you...) and so of course I want to document them as much as possible on here. From all the different food we will be sampling, trying to still cook up my own dishes with new influence and just the amazing experiences we hope to have. 

If you have any advice for travelling in these areas, or any bucket list activities you just know we need to try then please let us know as, in the words of Aerosmith, we dont’t wanna miss a thing!

Also, the celebratory picture we took (pictured above) was a completely innocent misunderstanding... neither myself or James realised what a big bunch of pink balloons would actually insinuate and no, there is no baby girl on the way! The balloons were used for an event at my work which were just going to be popped at the end of the day so I thought it would be fun to play around with a bouquet of pink balloons! I’m sorry for all the disappointment we caused!

Check out below for some pictures of baby us and our backpacking trip around Europe. A new recipe will be up very soon as well so stay tuned for more deliciousness! 

Love, Rachael x
